Credit cards seem to be leery of people trying to funnel spend artificially through their cards, especially when trying to hit spend limits for a welcome offer on the card account. As such, they don't generally take kindly to the purchase of gift cards with the credit card, as it has an easily liquidated cash value. Does the same apply here? Say I had to spend $3k in 3 months for a credit card welcome offer, and I had $2800 spent. Could I deposit $200 into a sports book with the intent of doing matched play betting, and the credit card would accept this as legitimate spend?
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RE: How to deposit $ on the bookmakers?
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RE: How to deposit $ on the bookmakers?
Credit cards seem to be leery of people trying to funnel spend artificially through their cards, especially when trying to hit spend limits for a welcome offer on the card account. As such, they don't generally take kindly to the purchase of gift cards with the credit card, as it has an easily liquidated cash value. Does the same apply here? Say I had to spend $3k in 3 months for a credit card welcome offer, and I had $2800 spent. Could I deposit $200 into a sports book with the intent of doing matched play betting, and the credit card would accept this as legitimate spend?